Primary Benefits
- Contains 250 mg of reduced glutathione
- Contains 300 mg of quercetin dihydrate
- Contains 250 mg of beet root extract
- The ingredients in GlutaQ have been studied for their possible benefits in relation to the following:
- Promoting apoptosis in unhealthy cells (34, 35, 48)
- Helping maintain cellular health and function (26, 34, 35, 46)
- Promoting normal cell cycle activity (26, 34, 35, 46)
- Supporting healthy mitochondrial activity (26, 27, 48)
- Helping maintain healthy glutathione levels (26, 30, 31)
- Supporting normal glutathione synthesis (26, 30, 31)
- Supporting antioxidant levels (26, 14, 41, 48)
- Supporting immune health (13, 14, 32, 45)
- Helping maintain normal blood flow (8)

Product Classifications
Gluten-Free – The finished product contains no detective gluten (<10ppm gluten)
No Detectable GMOs – The finished product contains no detectable genetically-modified organisms
Vegan – The product is made without any ingredients produced by or derived from animals
Quality Standards - GMP Operations and Standardised Ingredients
Checked For: Heavy Metals, Microbiological Contaminants, Allergens, Residual Solvents, Purity and Identity
What Makes This Product Unique?
Recently the concept of autophagy has become a popular topic. When examining the word autophagy you find that auto
comes from the Greek word self
and phagy
refers to eating or denoting the practice of eating.
Autophagy is the promotion of the body to auto-regulate and auto-sense the health of the cell and identify damaged cells, ridding the body of them while helping create or renew healthier cells. This auto regulation and sensing has a significant impact on how efficiently the cell generates energy and supports the immune, endocrine and nervous systems. Autophagy helps maintain cellular health and function because it is the body’s way of supporting healthy cell metabolism.
As we age, the cells in our body naturally begin to decline in quantity and their ability to carry out these functionalities, at the same intensity, as they once had. Both quercetin and glutathione may assist in healthy cell development by supplying energy to the cells. While ageing is inevitable, there are numerous studies and research findings that suggest there are things we can do to help support our youth. The tripod of ingredients delivered in GlutaQ (quercetin, reduced glutathione and beet root) work in unison and may help support the immune system by encouraging a youthful cell cycle to help maintain cellular health and function.
The properties of quercetin and glutathione may play a significant role in promoting healthy cell function by assisting our cells in combatting oxidative stress. Studies suggest that their ability to regulate free radicals encourages cell health by promoting normal cell cycle activity. (1, 2) Glutathione, an important molecule naturally produced in the liver and various tissues throughout the body, acts as the cells’ natural garbage man by helping to identify toxins within the body’s cells and converting them so they can be metabolised and expelled from the body. (5) Because glutathione, known as the master antioxidant in the body, is heavily concentrated in tissues such as the liver, lungs, heart, and skeletal muscle, it plays a role in supporting immune function and protection against oxidative stress. In general, glutathione functions in a similar way that a catalytic converter works to clean and eliminate harmful emissions from a car, enhancing its overall wellbeing and ability to perform.
Quercetin, a bioactive flavonoid, may function to encourage mast cell activity which can help fuel and maintain a healthy immune system. Studies suggest that supplementation of quercetin plays a hand in nurturing a healthy body and helping to maintain cellular health. (3) One unique factor of quercetin’s function in the body is its action as a zinc ionophore, meaning quercetin assists the use of zinc, or its transport across a lipid membrane, in the body in support of a healthy immune system. Even with the correct food choices individuals may lack the proper amounts of vitamins or nutrients needed to support and maintain a healthy diet; nutritional inadequacies can have an impact on the activity and functioning of the immune system. (12, 29) Although it depends on the type and amount of food one consumes, the average daily intake of quercetin absorbed by the body is thought to fall between 10-100mg, which suggests that supplementation might be beneficial when used in combination with a healthy diet. (15, 16)
The popular beet root, easily recognised by its heart-shaped leaves, dates to medieval times and was notably used by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans for various culinary and medicinal properties. The Greeks also utilised beet root in rituals as they believed it could conserve one’s beauty. (9, 10, 11) Beet root has been shown to support a healthy immune system and may help support cardiovascular health. (6, 8) GlutaQ delivers 250 mg of beet root, a golden companion of quercetin. In addition, beet root powder is a source of inorganic nitrates and betaine, a short-chain amino acid derivative. Studies suggest that beet root may help maintain healthy cell function, even in healthy individuals, as it assists the cell in its efficient use of oxygen. The cell gets to hold on to its oxygen longer, which translates to energy and better vascular quality. beet root powder may promote stamina, endurance, energy, and athletic recovery due to its ability to support the circulation of blood and oxygen in the body.
In a study that used time-to-exhaustion as a measurement (the amount of time an athlete can perform at a specific interval intensity), the results provided evidence suggesting that both acute and chronic supplementation of beet root may have performance-enhancing effects which could contribute to an increase in athletic endurance and stamina. (6) In essence, beet root promotes athletic performance like a car’s gas pedal promotes speed.
Vegan and gluten-free, GlutaQ provides ingredients that may support a healthy immune system and a youthful cell cycle to help maintain cellular health and function. Our bodies, just like cars, run more smoothly when given the right fuel and care, and doing so can promote performance and youth. The unique ingredients offered in GlutaQ were specifically selected to enhance the health benefits provided by each ingredient when taken alone. Help fuel your body so it can drive most optimally with GlutaQ, “such stuff as dreams are made of.”
Formulated with three novel ingredients, promoting the youthful cycle for a healthy immune system and to help maintain cellular healthy and function.
* This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Key Ingredients
Reduced Glutathione‡ (250 mg)
Glutathione is a tripeptide made from the amino acids glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. While glutathione can be found in fruits and vegetables, it is also naturally found in the body. Although it is primarily synthesised in the liver, glutathione is found in all cells where it contributes to DNA synthesis and repair, protein and prostaglandin synthesis, amino acid transport, enzyme activation and other cellular functions. There are two forms of glutathione: oxidised glutathione (GSSG), the inactive form, and reduced glutathione (GSH, or L-glutathione), the active form. Glutathione is a primary antioxidant because it is used in so many different compartments of the body: detoxification, liver activity, cell to cell signaling, ageing and immune function. Reduced glutathione mediates the oxidation of cells at the cellular and mitochondrial level, acting as the “garbage man” scavenging out free radicals. (26, 27, 14, 35, 48)
Quercetin Dihydrate (300 mg)
Quercetin is in a class of metabolites known as flavonoids, found naturally in foods of plant origin, such as onions, apples, berries, teas and red wines and some trees like the Japanese Pagoda tree. One function of quercetin is to help move zinc into the cell for its own biologic activity, meaning it is not just its flavonoids that contribute to an array of biological activities in plants, protecting them from different biotic and abiotic stresses. (53) Flavonoids act as antioxidants and have been found to contribute to healthy cellular, immune and cognitive health. (33, 37, 46)
Beet root Extract (Root) (250 mg)
Beets are root vegetables that have become increasingly popular for their nutritious properties in recent years. Thanks to their high content of nitrates, beet roots and beet root juice have been associated with many health benefits. Research shows that diets rich in nitrates and nitrites – particularly from natural sources like vegetables rather than processed sources like meat – can support cardiovascular health such as supporting healthy blood flow. In the body, nitrate turns into nitric oxide, a molecule that dilates blood vessels. (42, 36, 44)
‡ As OPTIAC®. OPTIAC is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Corporation Life Sciences Limited.
Is GlutaQ safe for women who are pregnant?
Individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding should check with their healthcare provider before using.
How does this supplement support the mitochondria to the cell?
Mitochondria, often referred to as the cell’s “powerhouse” or “engine,” delivers energy (ATP) to all cells in the body, except red blood cells. Every cell requires ATP to function properly; for example, it provides us with the stamina needed to maintain endurance during physical activity. (24) As we age, the mitochondria within our cells naturally begin to decline in both quantity and quality of performance. Their ability to carry out the same function or at the same intensity, has diminished as a result of age, lack of physical fitness and poor diet. (25, 26, 27, 28) GlutaQ provides ingredients that have been studied for their potential to help maintain healthy mitochondrial function. (25, 26, 27, 28)
Are there any warnings associated with taking quercetin as an oral supplement?
Mild side effects associated with oral supplementation of quercetin are tingling of the limbs and possible headache. It is uncertain if long-term supplementation of quercetin can have side effects. (15, 16)
Is GlutaQ safe for those who have or may be prone to kidney issues?
Supplementation of quercetin above the recommended supplementation intake may be associated with the way the liver metabolises other medications and/or kidney issues. (16) While it has been found that consuming excessive amounts of beets may have effects on the kidney, there is no substantial evidence suggesting harmful effects on liver from supplementation of beet root powder. (17, 18)
Are there any drug interactions associated with GlutaQ?
If you are currently using any other prescription drugs, have an ongoing medical condition, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your healthcare provider before using this product. Do not use this product if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing.
What other supplements would pair well with this product?
This formula would pair well with Isotonix® Bromelain Plus* and Isotonix® Vitamin C, which both work to support a healthy immune system. Quercetin is known to have a low bioavailability, meaning it is not easily absorbed by the body. However, findings report that taking quercetin along with vitamin C and/or bromelain may help the body to absorb quercetin and its benefits more effectively. (20, 21, 22, 23)
What additional benefits may glutathione provide?
Research shows that supplementation of glutathione may support cognitive health. (4)
What types of foods can quercetin be found in?
Quercetin can be found in several types of vegetables (broccoli, leafy greens like kale, asparagus, onions) and fruits (apples, lemon, oranges) and other things such as capers, red wine and tea.
Can children take this GlutaQ?
This product is intended for those of the age of 18 or older.
*Isotonix Bromelain Plus is available on SHOPGLOBAL.COM
Scientific Studies
1- Pizzino, G., Irrera, N., Cucinotta, M., Pallio, G., Mannino, F., Arcoraci, V., Squadrito, F., Altavilla, D., & Bitto, A. (2017). Oxidative Stress: Harms and Benefits for Human Health. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2017, 1–13.
3- Parasuraman, S., Anand David, A., & Arulmoli, R. (2016). Overviews of biological importance of quercetin: A bioactive flavonoid. Pharmacognosy Reviews, 10(20), 84.
5- Cooper, A. J. L., & Kristal, B. S. (1997, September). Multiple roles of glutathione in the central nervous system. Researchgate.Net.
6- Domínguez, R., Cuenca, E., Maté-Muñoz, J., García-Fernández, P., Serra-Paya, N., Estevan, M., Herreros, P., & Garnacho-Castaño, M. (2017). Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Athletes. A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 9(1), 43.
8- Clifford, T., Howatson, G., West, D., & Stevenson, E. (2015). The Potential Benefits of Red Beetroot Supplementation in Health and Disease. Nutrients, 7(4), 2801–2822.
9- Schick, Y. K. (2008). Beets Beta vulgaris. Academics Hamilton Edu.
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12- Davis, D. R., Epp, M. D., & Riordan, H. D. (2004). Changes in USDA Food Composition Data for 43 Garden Crops, 1950 to 1999. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 23(6), 669–682.
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19- Drug Interactions between beetroot and warfarin. (n.d.). Drugs.Com.
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23- Lakhanpal, P., & Rai, D. K. (2007). Quercetin: A Versatile Flavonoid. Akspublication.Com.
24- Glancy, B., Kim, Y., Katti, P., & Willingham, T. B. (2020). The Functional Impact of Mitochondrial Structure Across Subcellular Scales. Frontiers in Physiology, 11.
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26- Ribas V, García-Ruiz C and Fernández-Checa JC (2014) Glutathione and mitochondria. Front. Pharmacol. 5:151. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2014.00151
27- Yoboue ED, Augier E, Galinier A, et al. cAMP-induced mitochondrial compartment biogenesis: role of glutathione redox state. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012 Apr;287(18):14569-14578. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.m111.302786. PMID: 22396541; PMCID: PMC3340255.
28- Marí, M., Morales, A., Colell, A., García-Ruiz, C., & Fernández-Checa, J. C. (2009). Mitochondrial Glutathione, a Key Survival Antioxidant. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 11(11), 2685–2700.
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33- Boots AW, Haenen GR, Bast A. Health effects of quercetin: from antioxidant to nutraceutical. Eur J Pharmacol. 2008 May 13;585(2-3):325-37. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2008.03.008. Epub 2008 Mar 18. PMID: 18417116.
34- Circu ML, Aw TY. Glutathione and modulation of cell apoptosis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 2012 Oct;1823(10):1767-1777. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2012.06.019. PMID: 22732297; PMCID: PMC3437743.
35- Circu, M. L., & Aw, T. Y. (2008). Glutathione and apoptosis. Free radical research, 42(8), 689–706.
37- Costa LG, Garrick JM, Roquè PJ, Pellacani C. Mechanisms of Neuroprotection by Quercetin: Counteracting Oxidative Stress and More. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2016;2016:2986796. doi: 10.1155/2016/2986796. Epub 2016 Jan 24. PMID: 26904161; PMCID: PMC4745323.
39- Dringen R, Hirrlinger J. Glutathione pathways in the brain. Biol Chem. 2003 Apr;384(4):505-16. doi: 10.1515/BC.2003.059. PMID: 12751781.
41- Heinz SA, Henson DA, Nieman DC, Austin MD, Jin F. A 12-week supplementation with quercetin does not affect natural killer cell activity, granulocyte oxidative burst activity or granulocyte phagocytosis in female human subjects. Br J Nutr. 2010 Sep;104(6):849-57. doi: 10.1017/S000711451000156X. Epub 2010 May 26. PMID: 20500927.
45- Kwon DH, Lee H, Park C, Hong SH, Hong SH, Kim GY, Cha HJ, Kim S, Kim HS, Hwang HJ, Choi YH. Glutathione Induced Immune-Stimulatory Activity by Promoting M1-Like Macrophages Polarization via Potential ROS Scavenging Capacity. Antioxidants (Basel). 2019 Sep 18;8(9):413. doi: 10.3390/antiox8090413. PMID: 31540482; PMCID: PMC6770173.
46- Li Y, Zhou S, Li J, Sun Y, Hasimu H, Liu R, Zhang T. Quercetin protects human brain microvascular endothelial cells from fibrillar β-amyloid1-40-induced toxicity. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2015 Jan;5(1):47-54. doi: 10.1016/j.apsb.2014.12.003. Epub 2015 Jan 13. PMID: 26579424; PMCID: PMC4629123.
49- Nishimura M., Ohkawara T., Nakagawa T., Muro T., Sato Y., Satoh H., Kobori M., Nishihira J., A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study evaluating the effects of quercetin-rich onions on cognitive function in elderly subjects. Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2017; 7(6); 353-374
53- Panche, A. N., Diwan, A. D., & Chandra, S. R. (2016). Flavonoids: an overview. Journal of nutritional science, 5, e47.
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